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Refund and Returns Policy

  1. MHT Projects accepts return of goods excluding:
    (a) Non stocked products
    (b) Opened products [unless Dead on Arrival (DOA)].
  2. Dead on Arrival (DOA) products need to be returned within 14 days from the date of Invoice.
  3. Claims for shortages, damages or any discrepancies must be made in writing within 24 hours of receipt of goods.
  4. Before opening any product, Customers should ensure:
    (a) Goods provided match those listed on the Invoice and the Packing Slips.
    (b) Goods received have not been damaged in transit.
  5. Any goods that need to be returned to MHT Projects must meet the following criteria:
    (a) A Return Authorisation Number is obtained PRIOR to returning the goods.
    (b) Goods are unopened, undamaged and in original condition (unless DOA).
    (c) Returned goods are received by MHT Projects within 7 days of receipt of goods at your end (unless DOA – refer to Section 7.2 (above).
    (d) A copy of the original invoice must accompany warranty returns.
  6. Goods returned under warranty will be repaired or replaced at the discretion of MHT Projects.
  7. Whilst MHT Projects will endeavour to return warranted goods to the sender as quickly as possible, temporary replacement items will not be supplied.
  8. Goods returned, with No Fault Found will be charged a minimum service fee of $25.00 + GST per item.
  9. All credit requests must be made in writing via email, info@toughbooksales.com.au.
  10. Credit will be issued at the discretion of MHT Projects and where applicable restocking fees will apply.
  11. All freight charges will be paid by the customer unless otherwise agreed by MHT Projects.
  12. Return Authorisation numbers can be obtained by contacting our Customer Service or Technical Services on 02 9588 9853 or via our website www.mhtprojects.com.au.
  13. MHT Projects will not hold customer goods after repair. Goods are to be collected within 14 days of the notification from MHT Projects. Goods that are left unclaimed will be disposed of.